Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Is this site ';acting'; weird tonight?

I am having some weird things happening on TA tonight. Blackness appears before forwarding to next post/page. I hit a page up to view what I may have missed today but the same posts appear. I am checking to notify me via email but not happening. My computer is fighting alot of pop-ups. Is anyone else having these issues....LOL I know in the midwest we have had alot of storms today maybe that%26#39;s why???

Is this site ';acting'; weird tonight?

No, I%26#39;m not having any of those problems--however, I just got a new computer, and it%26#39;s still behaving itself!

Is this site ';acting'; weird tonight?

No problems, here. And I have a real, real old computer. Maybe your%26#39;s is.......haunted? Chuck...

My computer is fighting alot of pop-ups.


Time to run a spyware/antivirus scan?

I find that Firefox works for about 2-3 hours at a time and them slows down. It has been this way for me since the format of this site changed months ago.

I have tried every suggestion to fix it from both Firefox and Trip Advisor but nothing has worked sooooooo I now go back and forth between Firefox and Internet Explorer.

There%26#39;s a lady on the Italy forums who is a real techie who is also having sooo much trouble she is thinking of

just quitting TA and she is one of the local experts.


I have the same problem with firefox. I spend a lot of time on TA and then it slows way down, as you mention. The only way I know to fix it is to restart my computer. Bummer.

Yeah, what%26#39;s up with the pop up%26#39;s/ I have a pop up blogger but it is still not a pleasant experience to have something ';pop up'; on every page view

Glad I%26#39;m not the only one. I am actually getting faster service later this week so hopefully this will clear up? Who knows. Oh this site too much to give it up...LOL

Like I said earlier, I have an OLD computer, using Netscape and(yes, I said it was old) Windows 98 second edition. No problems at all, even though TA says they do not support Netcsape. Ya just gotta wonder. Chuck...

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